Friday, April 8, 2016

So You Want to Go to Wood Badge: Part 3 - Wait, There's Homework Before It Even Starts?!?

Don't worry! It's going to be okay!

Personal Pre-Course Assignment

Before you arrive on Day One of your Wood Badge experience, you should receive a letter or at least a link to this list of twenty questions.

If you're like me, you might think, "Self, I have a lot to do. I'll glance at these questions later." And then you might forget to give them any thought at all, until you're actually en-route to the course. And then your day will really begin and the next thing you know, you'll fall into your sleeping bag at 10 pm and think, "I really need to look at those questions!"

If you're like Sheryl (you'll meet her later, she is AWESOME!), you might think you can't go at all, because the Pre-Course Assignment looks TOUGH.

If you're smart, you might keep reading, because here's the deal:

This list of questions is meant as a tool for you to consider the experiences, circumstances, and values that have brought you to where you are as a leader today. There are no right or wrong answers. This exercise helps you pinpoint your current location in life, making it possible for you to imagine exactly what future success looks like for you. The answers will likely change as time goes by, and that's okay, because who you are now is not the same as who you will be in five or ten or fifteen years.

Wood Badge is advanced leadership training. The skills & concepts covered are widely recognized in world-class corporate circles as key to success in any organization.This is no clown show--even though we will have a lot of fun together--it's real, deep, personal development. So don't shy away from the opportunity to truly assess your strengths, weaknesses, and goals. And please don't let the thought of so much soul-searching stand in the way of your desire to go. It will all work out, trust me!

Bottom line: do the best you can, and we'll work together to become the best we can be! (No matter how you answer those twenty questions.) 

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