About 10 years ago, I was a Cub Scout Wolf Den leader. I
showed up every week, worked on helping the boys complete all of the activities
in their books, went to Pack meeting, but that is where it ended.
I was
encouraged to go to Round Table, Wood Badge, and more for training, but I must
admit….I rolled my eyes and avoided all of those things like the plague!
I truly had very little understanding or appreciation of the
purpose, methods and goals of scouting. I did the bare minimum and was not thrilled to be part of it. When my
son earned his Wolf badge and moved up to Bears, I was ready to be done.
Looking back I wonder how much better of an experience it
could have been for my boy and the other boys his age if I had gone to the
training and learned the purpose behind what I thought was the madness. My attitude alone would have improved tremendously! What if
I had gone to Round Table? What a huge difference even that would have made!
Since then, I have gone to Wood Badge training and Round
Tables and University of Scouting. I have learned so many great things and have
caught the Vision of what Scouting can do for the youth of the world. The boys
are so excited to be cub scouts and it is such a great place to teach them and
work with them to truly learn those values, skills, fun and adventure that
scouting can teach.
Understanding the
purpose makes me more willing to put in the effort it takes to make whatever I am doing better. I think
a lot of people are like this!
I wish every Cub Scout leader and anyone who works with
Scouts or youth would go to Wood Badge and learn they reason why behind all of
the things that we do and catch the Vision of scouting and leadership.
So if you have any reason to work with the youth and
children of the world, come to Wood Badge!
It will make all the difference!